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412 airports found in Alaska
Location | Airport | Size |
Akhiok | Akhiok Seaplane Base (AKK) | ■■■■■ |
Akiachak | Seaplane Base (KKI) | ■■■■■ |
Akiak | Akiak Airport (AKI) | ■■■■■ |
Akutan | Akutan Airport (KQA) | ■■■■■ |
Alakanuk | Alakanuk Airport (AUK) | ■■■■■ |
Aleknagik | Aleknagik Airport (WKK) | ■■■■■ |
Aleneva | Aleneva Airport (AED) | ■■■■■ |
Alitak | Alitak Seaplane Base (ALZ) | ■■■■■ |
Allakaket | Allakaket Airport (AET) | ■■■■■ |
Alyeska | Alyeska Airport (AQY) | ■■■■■ |
Ambler | Ambler Airport (ABL) | ■■■■■ |
Amchitka | Amchitka Airport (AHT) | ■■■■■ |
Amook | Amook Airport (AOS) | ■■■■■ |
Anaktuvuk | Anaktuvuk Airport (AKP) | ■■■■■ |
Anchorage | Merrill Field (MRI) | ■■■■■ |
Anchorage | Ted Stevens International Airport (ANC) | ■■■■■ |
Angoon | Angoon Airport (AGN) | ■■■■■ |
Aniak | Aniak Airport (ANI) | ■■■■■ |
Anita Bay | Anita Bay Airport (AIB) | ■■■■■ |
Annette Island | Annette Island Airport (ANN) | ■■■■■ |
Anvik | Anvik Airport (ANV) | ■■■■■ |
Arctic Village | Arctic Village Airport (ARC) | ■■■■■ |
Atka | Atka Airport (AKB) | ■■■■■ |
Atmautluak | Atmautluak Airport (ATT) | ■■■■■ |
Atqasuk | Atqasuk Airport (ATK) | ■■■■■ |
Attu Island | Casco Cove Airport (ATU) | ■■■■■ |
Baranof | Warm Spring Bay Seaplane Base (BNF) | ■■■■■ |
Barrow | Wiley Post / Will Rogers Memorial Airport (BRW) | ■■■■■ |
Barrow | Point Barrow Airport (PBA) | ■■■■■ |
Barter Island | Barter Island Airport (BTI) | ■■■■■ |
Bartletts | Bartletts Airport (BSZ) | ■■■■■ |
Bear Creek | Bear Creek Airport (BCC) | ■■■■■ |
Beaver | Beaver Airport (WBQ) | ■■■■■ |
Bell Island | Hot Springs Seaplane Base (KBE) | ■■■■■ |
Beluga | Beluga Airport (BVU) | ■■■■■ |
Bethel | Bethel Airport (BET) | ■■■■■ |
Bethel | City Landing (JBT) | ■■■■■ |
Bettles | Bettles Airport (BTT) | ■■■■■ |
Big Creek | Big Creek Airport (BIC) | ■■■■■ |
Big Delta | Intermediate Field (BIG) | ■■■■■ |
Big Lake | Big Lake Airport (BGQ) | ■■■■■ |
Big Mountain | Big Mountain Airport (BMX) | ■■■■■ |
Big Spring | Howard County Airport (HCA) | ■■■■■ |
Birch Creek | Birch Creek Airport (KBC) | ■■■■■ |
Blue Fox Bay | Blue Fox Bay Airport (BFB) | ■■■■■ |
Bornite | Bornite Upper Airport (RLU) | ■■■■■ |
Boswell Bay | Boswell Bay Airport (BSW) | ■■■■■ |
Boundary | Boundary Airport (BYA) | ■■■■■ |
Brooks Lodge | Brooks Lodge Airport (RBH) | ■■■■■ |
Buckland | Buckland Airport (BKC) | ■■■■■ |
Cabin Creek | Cabin Creek Airport (CBZ) | ■■■■■ |
Candle | Candle Airport (CDL) | ■■■■■ |
Cape Lisburne | Cape Lisburne Airport (LUR) | ■■■■■ |
Cape Newenham | Cape Newenham Airport (EHM) | ■■■■■ |
Cape Pole | Cape Pole Seaplane Base (CZP) | ■■■■■ |
Cape Romanzof | Cape Romanzof Airport (CZF) | ■■■■■ |
Cape Sarichef | Cape Sarichef Airport (CSH) | ■■■■■ |
Central | Central Airport (CEM) | ■■■■■ |
Chalkyitsik | Chalkyitsik Airport (CIK) | ■■■■■ |
Chandalar | Chandalar Airport (WCR) | ■■■■■ |
Chatham | Chatham Seaplane Base (CYM) | ■■■■■ |
Chefornak | Chefornak Seaplane Base (CYF) | ■■■■■ |
Chena Hot Springs | Chena Hot Springs Airport (CEX) | ■■■■■ |
Chernofski | Seaplane Base (KCN) | ■■■■■ |
Chevak | Chevak Airport (VAK) | ■■■■■ |
Chicken | Chicken Airport (CKX) | ■■■■■ |
Chignik | Chignik Airport (KCQ) | ■■■■■ |
Chignik | Chignik Bay Airport (KBW) | ■■■■■ |
Chignik | Fisheries Airport (KCG) | ■■■■■ |
Chignik Flats | Chignik Lagoon Airport (KCL) | ■■■■■ |
Chisana | Chisana Field (CZN) | ■■■■■ |
Chitina | Chitina Airport (CXC) | ■■■■■ |
Chomley | Chomley Airport (CIV) | ■■■■■ |
Cinder River | Cinder River Airport (RCP) | ■■■■■ |
Circle | Circle City Airport (IRC) | ■■■■■ |
Circle Hot Springs | Circle Hot Springs Airport (CHP) | ■■■■■ |
Clarks Point | Clarks Point Airport (CLP) | ■■■■■ |
Coffee Point | Coffee Point Airport (CFA) | ■■■■■ |
Coffman Cove | Coffman Cove Seaplane Base (KCC) | ■■■■■ |
Cold Bay | Cold Bay Airport (CDB) | ■■■■■ |
Coldfoot | Coldfoot Airport (CXF) | ■■■■■ |
Colorado Creek | Colorado Creek Airport (KCR) | ■■■■■ |
Cooper Lodge | Quartz Creek Airport (JLA) | ■■■■■ |
Copper Centre | Copper Centre Airport (CZC) | ■■■■■ |
Cordova | Mudhole Smith Airport (CDV) | ■■■■■ |
Cordova | City Airport (CKU) | ■■■■■ |
Corner Bay | Corner Bay Airport (CBA) | ■■■■■ |
Council | Melsing Creek Airport (CIL) | ■■■■■ |
Craig | Craig Seaplane Base (CGA) | ■■■■■ |
Crooked Creek | Crooked Creek Airport (CKD) | ■■■■■ |
Cube Cove | Cube Cove Airport (CUW) | ■■■■■ |
Dahl Creek | Dahl Creek Airport (DCK) | ■■■■■ |
Danger Bay | Danger Bay Airport (DGB) | ■■■■■ |
Deep Bay | Deep Bay Airport (WDB) | ■■■■■ |
Deering | Deering Airport (DRG) | ■■■■■ |
Delta Junction | Delta Junction Airport (DJN) | ■■■■■ |
Dillingham | Municipal Airport (DLG) | ■■■■■ |
Dora Bay | Dora Bay Airport (DOF) | ■■■■■ |
Douglas | Seaplane Base (HWI) | ■■■■■ |
Drift River | Drift River Airport (DRF) | ■■■■■ |
Dutch Harbor | Emergency Field (DUT) | ■■■■■ |
Eagle | Eagle Airport (EAA) | ■■■■■ |
East Fork | East Fork Airport (EFO) | ■■■■■ |
Edna Bay | Edna Bay Airport (EDA) | ■■■■■ |
Eek | Eek Airport (EEK) | ■■■■■ |
Egegik | Egegik Airport (EGX) | ■■■■■ |
Eight Fathom Bight | Eight Fathom Bight Airport (EFB) | ■■■■■ |
Ekuk | Ekuk Airport (KKU) | ■■■■■ |
Ekwok | Ekwok Airport (KEK) | ■■■■■ |
Elfin Cove | Elfin Cove Seaplane Base (ELV) | ■■■■■ |
Elim | Elim Airport (ELI) | ■■■■■ |
Ellamar | Ellamar Airport (ELW) | ■■■■■ |
Emmonak | Emmonak Airport (EMK) | ■■■■■ |
Fairbanks | Ft Wainwright Airport (FBK) | ■■■■■ |
Fairbanks | Metro Field (MTX) | ■■■■■ |
Fairbanks | Fairbanks International Airport (FAI) | ■■■■■ |
Fairbanks | Phillips Field (PII) | ■■■■■ |
Falls Bay | Falls Bay Airport (FLJ) | ■■■■■ |
False Island | False Island Airport (FAK) | ■■■■■ |
False Pass | False Pass Airport (KFP) | ■■■■■ |
Farewell | Farewell Airport (FWL) | ■■■■■ |
Fin Creek | Fin Creek Airport (FNK) | ■■■■■ |
Fire Cove | Fire Cove Airport (FIC) | ■■■■■ |
Five Mile | Five Mile Airport (FMC) | ■■■■■ |
Flat | Flat Airport (FLT) | ■■■■■ |
Flaxman Island | Flaxman Island Airport (FXM) | ■■■■■ |
Fort Yukon | Fort Yukon Airport (FYU) | ■■■■■ |
Fortuna Ledge | Fortuna Ledge Airport (FTL) | ■■■■■ |
Fresh Water Bay | Fresh Water Bay Airport (FRP) | ■■■■■ |
Funter Bay | Seaplane Base (FNR) | ■■■■■ |
Gakona | Chistochina Airport (CZO) | ■■■■■ |
Gakona | Gakona Airport (GAK) | ■■■■■ |
Galbraith Lake | Galbraith Lake Airport (GBH) | ■■■■■ |
Galena | Galena Airport (GAL) | ■■■■■ |
Gambell | Gambell Airport (GAM) | ■■■■■ |
Ganes Creek | Ganes Creek Airport (GEK) | ■■■■■ |
Glacier Creek | Glacier Creek Airport (KGZ) | ■■■■■ |
Glennallen | Glennallen Airport (GLQ) | ■■■■■ |
Golden Horn | Golden Horn Seaplane Base (GDH) | ■■■■■ |
Golovin | Golovin Airport (GLV) | ■■■■■ |
Goodnews Bay | Goodnews Bay Airport (GNU) | ■■■■■ |
Granite Mountain | Granite Mountain Airport (GMT) | ■■■■■ |
Grayling | Grayling Airport (KGX) | ■■■■■ |
Gulkana | Gulkana Airport (GKN) | ■■■■■ |
Gustavus | Gustavus Airport (GST) | ■■■■■ |
Gustavus | Bartlett Seaplane Base (BQV) | ■■■■■ |
Haines | Municipal Airport (HNS) | ■■■■■ |
Haycock | Haycock Airport (HAY) | ■■■■■ |
Healy Lake | Healy Lake Airport (HKB) | ■■■■■ |
Herendeen | Herendeen Airport (HED) | ■■■■■ |
Hidden Falls | Hidden Falls Airport (HDA) | ■■■■■ |
Hobart Bay | Hobart Bay Airport (HBH) | ■■■■■ |
Hogatza | Hog River Airport (HGZ) | ■■■■■ |
Holikachu | Holikachu Airport (HOL) | ■■■■■ |
Hollis | Hollis Seaplane Base (HYL) | ■■■■■ |
Holy Cross | Holy Cross Airport (HCR) | ■■■■■ |
Homer | Homer Airport (HOM) | ■■■■■ |
Homeshore | Homeshore Airport (HMS) | ■■■■■ |
Hoonah | Hoonah Airport (HNH) | ■■■■■ |
Hooper Bay | Hooper Bay Airport (HPB) | ■■■■■ |
Hughes | Municipal Airport (HUS) | ■■■■■ |
Huslia | Huslia Airport (HSL) | ■■■■■ |
Hydaburg | Seaplane Base (HYG) | ■■■■■ |
Hyder | Hyder Seaplane Base (WHD) | ■■■■■ |
Icy Bay | Icy Bay Airport (ICY) | ■■■■■ |
Igiugig | Igiugig Airport (IGG) | ■■■■■ |
Iliamna | Iliamna Airport (ILI) | ■■■■■ |
Isabel Pass | Isabel Pass Airport (ISL) | ■■■■■ |
Ivanof Bay | Seaplane Base (KIB) | ■■■■■ |
Ivishak | Ivishak Airport (IVH) | ■■■■■ |
Juneau | Juneau International Airport (JNU) | ■■■■■ |
Juneau | Seaplane Base (EXI) | ■■■■■ |
Kagvik Creek | Kagvik Creek Airport (KKF) | ■■■■■ |
Kake | Seaplane Base (KAE) | ■■■■■ |
Kakhonak | Kakhonak Airport (KNK) | ■■■■■ |
Kalakaket | Kalakaket AFS (KKK) | ■■■■■ |
Kalskag | Municipal Airport (KLG) | ■■■■■ |
Kaltag | Kaltag Airport (KAL) | ■■■■■ |
Karluk | Karluk Airport (KYK) | ■■■■■ |
Karluk Lake | Karluk Lake Seaplane Base (KKL) | ■■■■■ |
Kasaan | Kasaan Seaplane Base (KXA) | ■■■■■ |
Kasigluk | Kasigluk Airport (KUK) | ■■■■■ |
Kavik | Kavik Airstrip (VIK) | ■■■■■ |
Kelp Bay | Kelp Bay Airport (KLP) | ■■■■■ |
Kenai | Kenai Airport (ENA) | ■■■■■ |
Ketchikan | Waterfront Seaplane Base (WFB) | ■■■■■ |
Ketchikan | Ketchikan International Airport (KTN) | ■■■■■ |
Kiana | Bob Barker Memorial Airport (IAN) | ■■■■■ |
King Cove | King Cove Airport (KVC) | ■■■■■ |
King Salmon | King Salmon Airport (AKN) | ■■■■■ |
Kipnuk | Kipnuk Seaplane Base (KPN) | ■■■■■ |
Kivalina | Kivalina Airport (KVL) | ■■■■■ |
Kizhuyak | Kizhuyak Airport (KZH) | ■■■■■ |
Klag Bay | Klag Bay Airport (KBK) | ■■■■■ |
Klawock | Klawock Airport (KLW) | ■■■■■ |
Kobuk | Kobuk/Wien Airport (OBU) | ■■■■■ |
Kodiak | Kodiak Airport (ADQ) | ■■■■■ |
Kodiak | Municipal Airport (KDK) | ■■■■■ |
Kodiak | Kitoi Bay Seaplane Base (KKB) | ■■■■■ |
Kodiak | Kodiak FSS (WDY) | ■■■■■ |
Kongiganak | Kongiganak Airport (KKH) | ■■■■■ |
Kotlik | Kotlik Airport (KOT) | ■■■■■ |
Kotzebue | Kotzebue Airport (OTZ) | ■■■■■ |
Koyuk | Koyuk Airport (KKA) | ■■■■■ |
Koyukuk | Koyukuk Airport (KYU) | ■■■■■ |
Kulik Lake | Kulik Lake Airport (LKK) | ■■■■■ |
Kuparuk | Kuparuk Airport (UUK) | ■■■■■ |
Kwethluk | Kwethluk Airport (KWT) | ■■■■■ |
Kwigillingok | Kwigillingok Airport (KWK) | ■■■■■ |
Labouchere Bay | Labouchere Bay Airport (WLB) | ■■■■■ |
Lake Minchumina | Lake Minchumina Airport (LMA) | ■■■■■ |
Larsen Bay | Larsen Seaplane Base (KLN) | ■■■■■ |
Levelock | Levelock Airport (KLL) | ■■■■■ |
Lime Village | Lime Village Airport (LVD) | ■■■■■ |
Lincoln Rock | Coast Guard (LRK) | ■■■■■ |
Little Naukati | Little Naukati Airport (WLN) | ■■■■■ |
Little Port Walter | Little Port Walter Airport (LPW) | ■■■■■ |
Livengood | Livengood Airport (LIV) | ■■■■■ |
Lonely | Dew Station Airport (LNI) | ■■■■■ |
Long Island | Long Island Airport (LIJ) | ■■■■■ |
Loring | Loring Airport (WLR) | ■■■■■ |
Lost River | Lost River Airport (LSR) | ■■■■■ |
Manley Hot Springs | Manley Hot Springs Airport (MLY) | ■■■■■ |
Manokotak | Manokotak Seaplane Base (KMO) | ■■■■■ |
Marguerite Bay | Marguerite Bay Airport (RTE) | ■■■■■ |
Marshall | Marshall Airport (MLL) | ■■■■■ |
May Creek | May Creek Airport (MYK) | ■■■■■ |
Mccarthy | Mccarthy Airport (MXY) | ■■■■■ |
Mcgrath | Mcgrath Airport (MCG) | ■■■■■ |
Medfra | Medfra Airport (MDR) | ■■■■■ |
Mekoryuk | Ellis Field (MYU) | ■■■■■ |
Metlakatla | Metlakatla Seaplane Base (MTM) | ■■■■■ |
Meyers Chuck | Seaplane Base (WMK) | ■■■■■ |
Middleton Island | Intermediate Airport (MDO) | ■■■■■ |
Minchumina | Intermediate Airport (MHM) | ■■■■■ |
Minto | Minto Airport (MNT) | ■■■■■ |
Moser Bay | Moser Bay Airport (KMY) | ■■■■■ |
Moses Point | Intermediate Airport (MOS) | ■■■■■ |
Mountain Village | Mountain Village Airport (MOU) | ■■■■■ |
Mt McKinley | Mt McKinley Airport (MCL) | ■■■■■ |
Naknek | Naknek Airport (NNK) | ■■■■■ |
Nakolik River | Nakolik River Airport (NOL) | ■■■■■ |
Nanwalek | Nanwalek Airport (KEB) | ■■■■■ |
Napakiak | Napakiak Seaplane Base (WNA) | ■■■■■ |
Napaskiak | Napaskiak Seaplane Base (PKA) | ■■■■■ |
Naukiti | Naukiti Airport (NKI) | ■■■■■ |
Nelson Lagoon | Nelson Lagoon Airport (NLG) | ■■■■■ |
Nenana | Municipal Airport (ENN) | ■■■■■ |
New Chenega | New Chenega Airport (NCN) | ■■■■■ |
New Koliganek | New Koliganek Airport (KGK) | ■■■■■ |
New Stuyahok | New Stuyahok Airport (KNW) | ■■■■■ |
Newtok | Newtok Airport (WWT) | ■■■■■ |
Niblack | Niblack Airport (NIE) | ■■■■■ |
Nichen Cove | Nichen Cove Airport (NKV) | ■■■■■ |
Nightmute | Nightmute Airport (NME) | ■■■■■ |
Nikolai | Nikolai Airport (NIB) | ■■■■■ |
Nikolski | Nikolski AFS (IKO) | ■■■■■ |
Ninilchik | Ninilchik Airport (NIN) | ■■■■■ |
Noatak | Noatak Airport (WTK) | ■■■■■ |
Nome | Nome Airport (OME) | ■■■■■ |
Nome | Diomede Island Airport (DIO) | ■■■■■ |
Nondalton | Nondalton Airport (NNL) | ■■■■■ |
Noorvik | Curtis Memorial Airport (ORV) | ■■■■■ |
Northway | Northway Airport (ORT) | ■■■■■ |
Nulato | Nulato Airport (NUL) | ■■■■■ |
Nunapitchuk | Nunapitchuk Airport (NUP) | ■■■■■ |
Nyac | Nyac Airport (ZNC) | ■■■■■ |
Oceanic | Oceanic Airport (OCI) | ■■■■■ |
Old Harbor | Old Harbor Seaplane Base (OLH) | ■■■■■ |
Olga Bay | Olga Bay Seaplane Base (KOY) | ■■■■■ |
Onion Bay | Onion Bay Airport (ONN) | ■■■■■ |
Ouzinkie | Ouzinkie Seaplane Base (KOZ) | ■■■■■ |
Pack Creek | Pack Creek Airport (PBK) | ■■■■■ |
Paf Warren | Paf Warren Airport (PFA) | ■■■■■ |
Painter Creek | Painter Creek Airport (PCE) | ■■■■■ |
Palmer | Municipal Airport (PAQ) | ■■■■■ |
Palmer | Sheep Mountain Airport (SMU) | ■■■■■ |
Parks | Parks Seaplane Base (KPK) | ■■■■■ |
Pauloff Harbor | Pauloff Harbor Seaplane Base (KPH) | ■■■■■ |
Pedro Bay | Pedro Bay Airport (PDB) | ■■■■■ |
Pelican | Pelican Seaplane Base (PEC) | ■■■■■ |
Perryville | Perryville Seaplane Base (KPV) | ■■■■■ |
Petersburg | Municipal Airport (PSG) | ■■■■■ |
Pilot Point | Pilot Point Airport (PIP) | ■■■■■ |
Pilot Point | Ugashik Bay Airport (UGB) | ■■■■■ |
Pilot Station | Pilot Station Airport (PQS) | ■■■■■ |
Platinum | Platinum Airport (PTU) | ■■■■■ |
Pleasant Harbour | Pleasant Harbour Airport (PTR) | ■■■■■ |
Point Baker | Point Baker Seaplane Base (KPB) | ■■■■■ |
Point Baker | Port Protection Airport (PPV) | ■■■■■ |
Point Hope | Point Hope Airport (PHO) | ■■■■■ |
Point Lay | Dew Station Airport (PIZ) | ■■■■■ |
Polk Inlet | Polk Inlet Airport (POQ) | ■■■■■ |
Pope Vanoy | Pope Vanoy Airport (PVY) | ■■■■■ |
Porcupine Creek | Porcupine Creek Airport (PCK) | ■■■■■ |
Port Alice | Port Alice Airport (PTC) | ■■■■■ |
Port Alsworth | Port Alsworth Airport (PTA) | ■■■■■ |
Port Armstrong | Port Armstrong Airport (PTL) | ■■■■■ |
Port Bailey | Port Bailey Seaplane Base (KPY) | ■■■■■ |
Port Clarence | Port Clarence Airport (KPC) | ■■■■■ |
Port Frederick | Port Frederick Airport (PFD) | ■■■■■ |
Port Graham | Port Graham Airport (PGM) | ■■■■■ |
Port Heiden | Port Heiden Airport (PTH) | ■■■■■ |
Port Johnson | Port Johnson Airport (PRF) | ■■■■■ |
Port Lions | Port Lions Seaplane Base (ORI) | ■■■■■ |
Port Oceanic | Port Oceanic Airport (PRL) | ■■■■■ |
Port San Juan | Port San Juan Airport (PJS) | ■■■■■ |
Port Williams | Port Williams Seaplane Base (KPR) | ■■■■■ |
Prospect Creek | Prospect Creek Airport (PPC) | ■■■■■ |
Prudhoe Bay | Prudhoe Bay Airport (PUO) | ■■■■■ |
Prudhoe Bay/Deadhorse | Prudhoe Bay/Deadhorse Airport (SCC) | ■■■■■ |
Queen | Queen Airport (UQE) | ■■■■■ |
Quinhagak | Kwinhagak Airport (KWN) | ■■■■■ |
Rampart | Rampart Airport (RMP) | ■■■■■ |
Raspberry Strait | Raspberry Strait Airport (RSP) | ■■■■■ |
Red Devil | Red Devil Airport (RDV) | ■■■■■ |
Red Dog | Red Dog Airport (RDB) | ■■■■■ |
Rowan Bay | Rowan Bay Airport (RWB) | ■■■■■ |
Ruby | Ruby Airport (RBY) | ■■■■■ |
Russian Mission | Russian Seaplane Base (RSH) | ■■■■■ |
Sagwon | Sagwon Airport (SAG) | ■■■■■ |
Saint Marys | Saint Marys Airport (KSM) | ■■■■■ |
Saint Paul Island | Saint Paul Island Airport (SNP) | ■■■■■ |
San Juan | San Juan Seaplane Base (WSJ) | ■■■■■ |
Sand Point | Municipal Airport (SDP) | ■■■■■ |
Sarichef | Sarichef Airport (WSF) | ■■■■■ |
Savoonga | Savoonga Airport (SVA) | ■■■■■ |
Scammon Bay | Scammon Bay Seaplane Base (SCM) | ■■■■■ |
Seal Bay | Seal Bay Airport (SYB) | ■■■■■ |
Selawik | Selawik Airport (WLK) | ■■■■■ |
Seldovia | Seldovia Airport (SOV) | ■■■■■ |
Seward | Seward Airport (SWD) | ■■■■■ |
Shageluk | Shageluk Airport (SHX) | ■■■■■ |
Shaktoolik | Shaktoolik Airport (SKK) | ■■■■■ |
Sheldon Point | Sheldon Seaplane Base (SXP) | ■■■■■ |
Shishmaref | Shishmaref Airport (SHH) | ■■■■■ |
Shoal Cove | Shoal Cove Airport (HCB) | ■■■■■ |
Shungnak | Shungnak Airport (SHG) | ■■■■■ |
Sitka | Sitka Airport (SIT) | ■■■■■ |
Sitkinak Island | Sitkinak Airport (SKJ) | ■■■■■ |
Skagway | Municipal Airport (SGY) | ■■■■■ |
Skwentna | Intermediate Airport (SKW) | ■■■■■ |
Sleetmute | Sleetmute Airport (SLQ) | ■■■■■ |
Smith Cove | Smith Cove Airport (SCJ) | ■■■■■ |
Soldotna | Soldotna Airport (SXQ) | ■■■■■ |
Solomon | Solomon State Field (SOL) | ■■■■■ |
South Naknek | South Naknek Airport (WSN) | ■■■■■ |
Sparrevohn | Sparrevohn AFS (SVW) | ■■■■■ |
St George Island | St George Island Airport (STG) | ■■■■■ |
St Michael | St Michael Airport (SMK) | ■■■■■ |
Steamboat Bay | Seaplane Base (WSB) | ■■■■■ |
Stebbins | Stebbins Airport (WBB) | ■■■■■ |
Stevens Village | Stevens Village Airport (SVS) | ■■■■■ |
Stony River | Stony River Airport (SRV) | ■■■■■ |
Summit | Summit Airport (UMM) | ■■■■■ |
Tahneta Pass Lodge | Tahneta Pass Airport (HNE) | ■■■■■ |
Takotna | Takotna Airport (TCT) | ■■■■■ |
Taku Lodge | Taku Seaplane Base (TKL) | ■■■■■ |
Talkeetna | Talkeetna Airport (TKA) | ■■■■■ |
Tanacross | Intermediate Airport (TSG) | ■■■■■ |
Tanalian Point | Tanalian Point Airport (TPO) | ■■■■■ |
Tanana | Ralph Calhoun Airport (TAL) | ■■■■■ |
Tatalina | Tatalina AFS (TLJ) | ■■■■■ |
Tatitlek | Tatitlek Airport (TEK) | ■■■■■ |
Taylor | Taylor Airport (TWE) | ■■■■■ |
Telida | Telida Airport (TLF) | ■■■■■ |
Teller | Teller Airport (TLA) | ■■■■■ |
Teller Mission | Brevig Mission Airport (KTS) | ■■■■■ |
Tenakee Springs | Tenakee Seaplane Base (TKE) | ■■■■■ |
Tetlin | Tetlin Airport (TEH) | ■■■■■ |
Thorne Bay | Thorne Bay Airport (KTB) | ■■■■■ |
Tikchik | Tikchik Lodge Seaplane Base (KTH) | ■■■■■ |
Tin City | Tin City AFS Airport (TNC) | ■■■■■ |
Togiak Fish | Togiak Fish Airport (GFB) | ■■■■■ |
Togiak Village | Togiak Village Airport (TOG) | ■■■■■ |
Tok | Tok Airport (TKJ) | ■■■■■ |
Toksook Bay | Toksook Bay Airport (OOK) | ■■■■■ |
Tuluksak | Tuluksak Airport (TLT) | ■■■■■ |
Tuntutuliak | Tuntutuliak Airport (WTL) | ■■■■■ |
Tununak | Tununak Airport (TNK) | ■■■■■ |
Tuxekan Island | Nichen Cove Seaplane Base (WNC) | ■■■■■ |
Twin Hills | Twin Hills Airport (TWA) | ■■■■■ |
Tyonek | Tyonek Airport (TYE) | ■■■■■ |
Uganik | Uganik Airport (UGI) | ■■■■■ |
Ugashik | Ugashik Airport (UGS) | ■■■■■ |
Umiat | Umiat Airport (UMT) | ■■■■■ |
Umnak Island | North Shore Airport (UMB) | ■■■■■ |
Umnak Island | Umnak Airport (UNS) | ■■■■■ |
Unalakleet | Unalakleet Airport (UNK) | ■■■■■ |
Utopia Creek | Indian Mountain AFS (UTO) | ■■■■■ |
Uyak | Uyak Seaplane Base (KUY) | ■■■■■ |
Valdez | Municipal Airport (VDZ) | ■■■■■ |
Venetie | Venetie Airport (VEE) | ■■■■■ |
Wainwright | Wainwright Airport (AIN) | ■■■■■ |
Wales | Wales Airport (WAA) | ■■■■■ |
Wasilla | Wasilla Airport (WWA) | ■■■■■ |
Waterfall | Waterfall Seaplane Base (KWF) | ■■■■■ |
West Kavik | West Kavik Airport (VKW) | ■■■■■ |
West Kuparuk | West Kuparuk Airport (XPU) | ■■■■■ |
Whale Pass | Whale Pass Airport (WWP) | ■■■■■ |
White Mountain | White Mountain Airport (WMO) | ■■■■■ |
Wildman Lake | Wildman Lake Airport (EWD) | ■■■■■ |
Willow | Willow Airport (WOW) | ■■■■■ |
Wiseman | Wiseman Airport (WSM) | ■■■■■ |
Wood River | Wood River Airport (WOD) | ■■■■■ |
Woodchopper | Woodchopper Airport (WOO) | ■■■■■ |
Wrangell | Wrangell Seaplane Base (WRG) | ■■■■■ |
Wrench Creek | Wrench Creek Airport (WRH) | ■■■■■ |
Yakataga | Intermediate Airport (CYT) | ■■■■■ |
Yakutat | Yakutat Airport (YAK) | ■■■■■ |
Yes Bay | Yes Bay Seaplane Base (WYB) | ■■■■■ |
Zachar Bay | Zachar Bay Seaplane Base (KZB) | ■■■■■ |
©2025 The Airport Authority |