The Airport Authority

List of all airports in Cameroon

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22 airports found

Location Airport Size
Bafoussam Bafoussam Airport (BFX)
Bali Bali Airport (BLC)
Bamenda Bamenda Airport (BPC)
Batouri Batouri Airport (OUR)
Bertoua Bertoua Airport (BTA)
Douala Douala Airport (DLA)
Dschang Dschang Airport (DSC)
Ebolowa Ebolowa Airport (EBW)
Foumban Foumban Airport (FOM)
Garoua Garoua Airport (GOU)
Kaele Kaele Airport (KLE)
Koutaba Koutaba Airport (KOB)
Kribi Kribi Airport (KBI)
Limbe Limbe Airport (VCC)
Mamfe Mamfe Airport (MMF)
Maroua Salam Airport (MVR)
Ngaoundere Ngaoundere Airport (NGE)
Nkongsamba Nkongsamba Airport (NKS)
Tiko Tiko Airport (TKC)
Yagoua Yagoua Airport (GXX)
Yaounde Nsimalen Airport (NSI)
Yaounde Yaounde Airport (YAO)

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