The Airport Authority

List of all airports in Cambodia

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17 airports found

Location Airport Size
Battambang Battambang Airport (BBM)
Kampot Kampot Airport (KMT)
Koh Kong Koh Kong Airport (KKZ)
Kompong Thom Kompong Thom Airport (KZK)
Kompong-Chhna Kompong-Chhna Airport (KZC)
Krakor Krakor Airport (KZD)
Kratie Kratie Airport (KTI)
Mundulkiri Mundulkiri Airport (MWV)
Oddor Meanche Oddor Meanche Airport (OMY)
Pailin Pailin Airport (PAI)
Phnom Penh Pochentong Airport (PNH)
Poipet Poipet Airport (HPP)
Ratanakiri Ratanakiri Airport (RBE)
Siem Reap Siem Reap Airport (REP)
Sihanoukville Sihanoukville Airport (KOS)
Stung Treng Stung Treng Airport (TNX)
Svay Rieng Svay Rieng Airport (SVR)

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