The Airport Authority

List of all airports in South Carolina, USA

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27 airports found in South Carolina

Location Airport Size
Aiken Municipal Airport (AIK)
Anderson Anderson Airport (AND)
Andrews Andrews Airport (ADR)
Barnwell Barnwell County Airport (BNL)
Beaufort County Frogmore Intranational Airport (BFT)
Camden Woodward Field (CDN)
Charleston Charleston International Airport (CHS)
Cheraw Cheraw Airport (HCW)
Clemson Oconee County Airport (CEU)
Columbia Metropolitan Airport (CAE)
Columbia Owens Field (CUB)
Florence Florence Regional Airport (FLO)
Georgetown Georgetown Airport (GGE)
Greenville Downtown Airport (GMU)
Greenville Donaldson Center Airport (GDC)
Greenville Greenville-Spartanburg International Airport (GSP)
Greenwood Greenwood Airport (GRD)
Hartsville Municipal Airport (HVS)
Hilton Head Hilton Head Airport (HHH)
Myrtle Beach Myrtle Beach International Airport (MYR)
Myrtle Beach Grand Strand Airport (CRE)
Orangeburg Municipal Airport (OGB)
Pickens Pickens Airport (LQK)
Rock Hill Rock Hill Airport (RKH)
Spartanburg Downtown Memorial Airport (SPA)
Sumter Municipal Airport (SUM)
Walterboro Municipal Airport (RBW)

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