The Airport Authority

List of all airports in Western Australia, Australia

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29 airports found in Western Australia

Location Airport Size
Albany Albany Airport (ALH)
Broome Broome Airport (BME)
Bunbury Bunbury Airport (BUY)
Bussellton Bussellton Airport (BQB)
Carnarvon Carnarvon Airport (CVQ)
Derby Derby Airport (DRB)
Dongara Dongara Airport (DOX)
Esperance Esperance Airport (EPR)
Fitzroy Crossing Fitzroy Crossing Airport (FIZ)
Forrest Forrest Airport (FOS)
Geraldton Geraldton Airport (GET)
Halls Creek Halls Creek Airport (HCQ)
Kalgoorlie Kalgoorlie Airport (KGI)
Karratha Karratha Airport (KTA)
Kununurra Kununurra Airport (KNX)
Manjimup Manjimup Airport (MJP)
Marble Bar Marble Bar Airport (MBB)
Meekatharra Meekatharra Airport (MKR)
Narrogin Narrogin Airport (NRG)
Newman Newman Airport (ZNE)
Norseman Norseman Airport (NSM)
Nullagine Nullagine Airport (NLL)
Paraburdoo Paraburdoo Airport (PBO)
Perth Perth Airport (PER)
Port Hedland Port Hedland Airport (PHE)
Shay Gap Shay Gap Airport (SGP)
Southern Cross Southern Cross Airport (SQC)
Springvale Springvale Airport (ZVG)
Wittenoom Wittenoom Airport (WIT)

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