The Airport Authority

List of all airports in Liberia

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17 airports found

Location Airport Size
Bella Yella Bella Yella Airport (BYL)
Buchanan Buchanan Airport (UCN)
Cape Palmas A. Tubman Airport (CPA)
Foya Foya Airport (FOY)
Grand Cess Grand Cess Airport (GRC)
Monrovia Roberts International Airport (ROB)
Monrovia Sprigg Payne Airport (MLW)
Nimba Nimba Airport (NIA)
Rivercess Rivercess Airport (RVC)
Sasstown Sasstown Airport (SAZ)
Sinoe AFC Airport (XSA)
Sinoe R.E. Murray Airport (SNI)
Tapeta Tapeta Airport (TPT)
Tchien Tchien Airport (THC)
Voinjama Voinjama Airport (VOI)
Weasua Weasua Airport (WES)
Wologissi Wologissi Airport (WOI)

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