The Airport Authority

List of all airports in Afghanistan

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27 airports found

Location Airport Size
Bamiyan Bamiyan Airport (BIN)
Bost Bost Airport (BST)
Chakcharan Chakcharan Airport (CCN)
Darwaz Darwaz Airport (DAZ)
Faizabad Faizabad Airport (FBD)
Farah Farah Airport (FAH)
Gardez Gardez Airport (GRG)
Ghazni Ghazni Airport (GZI)
Herat Herat Airport (HEA)
Jalalabad Jalalabad Airport (JAA)
Kabul Khwaja Rawash Airport (KBL)
Kandahar Kandahar Airport (KDH)
Khost Khost Airport (KHT)
Khwahan Khwahan Airport (KWH)
Kunduz Kunduz Airport (UND)
Kuran-O-Munjan Kuran-O-Munjan Airport (KUR)
Maimana Maimana Airport (MMZ)
Mazar-I-Sharif Mazar-I-Sharif Airport (MZR)
Nimroz Nimroz Airport (IMZ)
Qala Nau Qala Nau Airport (LQN)
Sardeh Band Sardeh Band Airport (SBF)
Sheghnan Sheghnan Airport (SGA)
Taluqan Taluqan Airport (TQN)
Tirinkot Tirinkot Airport (TII)
Urgoon Urgoon Airport (URN)
Uruzgan Uruzgan Airport (URZ)
Zaranj Zaranj Airport (ZAJ)

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