The Airport Authority

Taskul Airport — Taskul, Papua New Guinea

Other nearby airports

Tingwon Airport, Tingwon (TIG), 71km (45mi)
Witu Airport, Witu (WIU), 255km (159mi)
Sule Airport, Sule (ULE), 280km (174mi)
Stockholm Airport, Stockholm (SMP), 281km (175mi)
Talasea Airport, Talasea (TLW), 315km (196mi)

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Passenger feedback

A Williams (UK) - September 9, 2023
I helped plant grass on the red lateritic soils of the new Taskul runway with my workers for the Australian Govt in Dec 1970 as a Kiap or Field Officer. It didn't take too long to grow in wet climate of approximately 9metres (360inches) annual rainfall and daily 28C (82F) temperature.
I flew from it July 1972 in a Cessna Skymaster or what the local people called a 'push-me-pull-you' that pranged later in boggy end of defunct Puas Mission airstrip north Lavongai or previously named by the Germans as New Hanover. The wreck was still a memorial on the Catholic Mission grounds at Kavieng in the Provincial Capital 2008.
I hold an unbeatable record on my 1972 journey for what must be the quickest flight from Taskul to London Heathrow using five planes to do so. Flying time I guess was quite a bit less than the total 48 hours and unrepeatable because when I was last at Taskul in 2008 I attended a Church service at the terminus end of 'my airstrip' there was a bush material SDA Church with some temporary huts at what was once the airstrip.

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Papua New Guinea travel facts

Basic stats

Population5.8 million
CapitalPort Moresby
Diplomacy15 Papua New Guinea embassies and consulates


CurrencyPapua New Guinean kina (K / PGK)
Euro exchange rate€1 = K3.69
K1 = €0.27
US dollar exchange rateUS$1 = K2.58
K1 = US$0.39


Country code+675
International dialing prefix05


Plug type

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