Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza
Telephone: +355.4.223.938
Formerly known as Rinas Airport or Rinas Mother Teresa Airport.
Departure tax is USD10, payable in cash.
A new terminal building is under construction and scheduled to open in 2007.
Aegean Airlines | AirOne | Austrian |
Belle Air | Jetairfly | Olympic Airlines |
Turkish Airlines |
Budget airlines
Fly for less - check for budget airline flights from Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza.
Taxi service
A taxi ride to central Tirana takes 30-45 minutes and costs EUR25.
Banking, ATMs, and currency exchange
American Bank of Albania international ATM is located in the arrival area.
Other nearby airports
Ohrid "St. Paul the Apostle" Airport, Ohrid, Macedonia (OHD), 89km (56mi)
Golubovci Airport, Podgorica, Montenegro (TGD), 112km (70mi)
Tivat Airport, Tivat, Montenegro (TIV), 138km (86mi)
Ivangrad Airport, Ivangrad, Serbia (IVG), 160km (100mi)
Pristina International Airport, Pristina, Kosovo (PRN), 169km (106mi)
Or, view all airports in Albania.
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- tra aeroporte te rinj ne shqiperi
- telephone @ tirana international airport tirana albania
- shqiperi airport
Passenger feedback
![[1 stars]](/i/rating-icon-1.png)
aeroporti shume i mire por njerzit the policat do te thoja kafsh, dhe nuk kan menyr komunikimi me njerzit. njerzit me te corruptuar ne bote, i had such a bad experience and it makes me not to go back never ever again!!!!
Jam mese dakort me te gjitha komentet e mesiperme.....me te vertete stafi i aeroportit tone le per te deshiruar...dhe jo vetem policia por dhe kontrolli i biletave...cdo gje...per fat te keq...dhe pe rkete me vjen shume keq dhe ndonjehere dhe turp..sepse shume shpesh me ka rastisur te udhetoj me kolege te huaj te cilet flasin shqip...dhe jam ndjere e turperuar nga sjellja e stafit te aeroportit....por, te gjithe ju qe keni lene komentet tuaja.. a ju duket e drejte menyra e te shprehurit???te gjithe jemi ankuar per mos respektim te vlerave te njeriut...por mesa lexova ka nga ata te cilet nuk dine as te shkruajne shqip...dhe per kete me vjen akoma me keq...
njerz ma kafsh nuk ti bon nana me. sa here qe odhetoj nga anglia ne shqiperia ate se zdin as te shkrujan emrin e vet flasin se kur din cfar din po zdin asgjo.
kur vjet udhetova ne per vit te ri nuk prisja dot per te pare familjen dhe kur shkon per festa gjithdh kush blen ndonje dhurat po ashtu dhe une. kisha ble 4 telefona celular me fimit dhe kur fus valigjen per kontrol kur nje indoitte nje nga ata gabelkat me tha HEJ TI, futu aty dhe jap canten. ok i thash. pa tel dhe tha faturant e tel(amo dhe ndonje se e kam duke vjedh nuk e flet ashtu) dhe une inxorr dhe pastaj me thot, ik o cun c'me duhen me faturat!!!!!!!mbas se me mbajti gati njeore aty. po i thash cfar don ateher me goc. me tha ik aty ke zyra dhe na lej ndonje te hol.
po cfar airoporti i thoni juve kesaj kur ska kultur nga njerzit qe e mbaj????? te kisha rrug tjeter as dhe nje here nuk te te kaloj aty
albanian for ever.
jetoj ne angli,4 here kam ardhur ne shqiperi, police kafshe ti kap neper rrugicat e londers ti digjeneroj, the best airport
name in the world.
god bless albanian. tonin
kalova vitin e ri ne shqiperi 2008 dhe me daten 3 u ktheva per ne angli ,ajroporti shume mire paster dhe te gjitha gjerat mire,deri kur me kontrolluan pasaporten dhe polici qe, punonte aty me tha pse qesh dhe i thashe se me pelqen te qesh e kam natyrale,dhe colegu i tij me tha se mos u fut shume thelle se do ngelesh ketu,dhe une i thashe pse,qfar kam bere jam me te gjitha te drejtat qe ti kerkon ,dhe ai me tha pusho moj koqe ze po e zgjat shume ,dhe doli nga gabina dge me tha ,une te fus ne burg dhe i thashe nuk ke turp,ti je ne detyre dhe merresh me nje qitetare te thjesht ne punen e vet,apo ske pune tjeter,.sa turp qe nje aroport komtar ka nje staff pa shkolle pa menure kominikimi,pa sjellje,nuk e koptoj kush u jep pune ketyre kafsheve qe nuk dine qfar pune bojne ne ajroport?????????????????
Aeroporti eshte shume i pranueshem. Per mendimin tim, puna eshte realizuar me standart te larte megjithate stafi i saj le per te deshiruar. Le te shpresojme qe stafi (disa) te kete pak me shume kulture.
![[4 stars]](/i/rating-icon-4.png)
i have been in the airport about3 times and i am leaving in less than i week. i cant wait. i love the name the environment and the airplanes.
une kam shkuar ne aeroport rreth 3 heresh edhe do iki serisht edhe 2 dite. mezor po pres. e pelqej emrin e aeroportit, ambjentin, edhe aeroplanet.
![[4 stars]](/i/rating-icon-4.png)
Married to an Albanian, I do use the airport quite often and I must say I love it, much better than the old one !
![[1 stars]](/i/rating-icon-1.png)
The police ask for money, they also stall a lot of stuff from my laguage so absolutley rubish airport.
Hate the airport and its staff
the airport police are very helpful but they do ask some stupid questions
![[4 stars]](/i/rating-icon-4.png)
It was great.
I have heard from one of my students that her daughter was asked by a check in officer for Euros 230 IN CASH to pay for a flight back to London when she was refused to board the previous day. This young girl has a British passport and there was no reason for her to miss the flight. She was not given a receipt for the cash she paid them and was told that the ticket was her receipt. To me she has been conned and am taking it further on behalf of my student. How many more cases of these illegal activities are there at this airport?
Albania travel facts
Basic stats | |
Population | 3.6 million |
Capital | Tirana (Tirane) |
Diplomacy | 51 Albanian embassies and consulates |
Money | |
Currency | Albanian lek (ALL) |
Euro exchange rate | €1 = ALL135.14 ALL1 = €0.01 |
US dollar exchange rate | US$1 = ALL95.88 ALL1 = US$0.01 |
Telephone | |
Country code | +355 |
International dialing prefix | 00 |
Electricity | |
Voltage | 220V |
Frequency | 50Hz |
Plug type | ![]() ![]() |
©2025 The Airport Authority |