The Airport Authority

Jackson Field — Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea


Virgin Blue

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Other nearby airports

Suria Airport, Suria (SUZ), 54km (34mi)
Woitape Airport, Woitape (WTP), 99km (62mi)
Tapini Airport, Tapini (TPI), 123km (77mi)
Weam Airport, Weam (WEP), 125km (78mi)
Ioma Airport, Ioma (IOP), 135km (84mi)

Or, view all airports in Papua New Guinea.

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Passenger feedback

[info]Yang Yizhen - June 29, 2024
POM Jackson airport is the worst airport in the world.thief!my check-in luggage cash all lost.was stolen by those air port thief! Rubbish people!shit airport! I’ll never go to PNG again!and I will always abuse that land to any people who I know
[1 stars]YANG YIZHEN (CHINA) - June 29, 2024
I was on a flight from POM to Guangzhou on June 30, 2024 and lost 13,000RMB and 300USD in my checked baggage, and my code box was rummaged through. the airport in POM is the worst I've ever seen, and the thieves are the most rampant, it's a country I'll never go back to, and it's no wonder this country is so backward, it'll never be developed or become a tourist country!

Have you used Jackson Field? Love it? Hate it? We welcome your reviews, questions, or comments about the airport. Your feedback, if suitable, will be published on this page for the benefit of other users.

Papua New Guinea travel facts

Basic stats

Population5.8 million
CapitalPort Moresby
Diplomacy15 Papua New Guinea embassies and consulates


CurrencyPapua New Guinean kina (K / PGK)
Euro exchange rate€1 = K3.69
K1 = €0.27
US dollar exchange rateUS$1 = K2.58
K1 = US$0.39


Country code+675
International dialing prefix05


Plug type

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