The Airport Authority

Johnston Island Airport
Johnston Island, US minor outlying islands

Other nearby airports

Barking Sands Airport, Kekaha, USA (BKH), 1181km (734mi)
Port Allen Airport, Hanapepe, USA (PAK), 1191km (741mi)
Lihue Airport, Kauai Island, USA (LIH), 1219km (758mi)
Princeville Airport, Kauai Island, USA (HPV), 1221km (759mi)
Dillingham Airfield, Oahu, USA (HDH), 1307km (813mi)

Or, view all airports in US minor outlying islands.

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  • johnson island airport
  • johnston island, u.s. minor outlying islds. (jon)

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US minor outlying islands travel facts


CurrencyUS dollar ($ / USD)
Euro exchange rate€1 = $1.44
$1 = €0.70

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