The Airport Authority

Atyrau Airport
Atyrau, Kazakhstan

Other nearby airports

Astrakhan Airport, Astrakhan, Russia (ASF), 306km (191mi)
Uralsk Airport, Uralsk (URA), 449km (280mi)
Aktyubinsk Airport, Aktyubinsk (AKX), 526km (327mi)
Makhachkala Airport, Makhachkala, Russia (MCX), 571km (355mi)
Volgograd Airport, Volgograd, Russia (VOG), 587km (365mi)

Or, view all airports in Kazakhstan.

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Passenger feedback

[question]MOHAMED ASAD (TENGIZ) - June 3, 2020
Dear Sir, Need you kind help for exchange our tenge in USD$ , as we are now in Tengiz area & we will reach on Atyrau Airport directly,many of us have Kazakhstani money in their hand as large numbers and we will directly travel from Tengiz to Atyrau Airport without been held anywhere, kindly help us to know is there any Money Exchange on Atyrau Airport so we will exchange our money there ,hope i will get your kind and possitive reply soon,

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Kazakhstan travel facts

Basic stats

Population16 million
Diplomacy73 Kazakhstan embassies and consulates


CurrencyKazakhstani tenge (T / KZT)
Euro exchange rate€1 = T209.82
T1 = €0.00
US dollar exchange rateUS$1 = T145.96
T1 = US$0.01


Country code+7
International dialing prefix8-10


Plug type

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